El veganismo dentro de un movimiento colectivo y político contra la opresión

El veganismo es la práctica del antiespecismo. Es llevar a cabo una conducta que no conlleva la explotación de animales, ni crueldad en su contra, en la medida posible y práctico. En el Siglo XXI, la concepción del veganismo, y la conducta relacionada con llevar un estilo de vida vegano, se está ampliando. Las generaciones …

When False Claims by Government Contractors is Animal Cruelty

Animal advocates (both individuals and organizations) consistently face issues of standing when advocating for animal protection and better welfare. Only the government can enforce most statutes that protect animals against cruelty. Another obstacle animal advocates face are the costs associated with filing lawsuit when monetary compensation is negligible or nonexistent. In many circumstances, such as …

Government Responsibility for Domestic Animal Control

In 2022, after a decade of receiving multiple complaints from Puerto Rican citizens about animal cruelty and neglect, the municipality of Ponce canceled its agreement with government contractor Animal Rescue and Protection Services ("ARPS"). ARPS operated the animal shelter in Calle Baramaya, in the municipality of Ponce. A 2021 audit by the mayor’s office showed …

The Sentient Animals in Puerto Rico

For over two years, Puerto Rico has considered domestic and domesticated animals as “sentient beings,” and not objects or property. According to our Civil Code of 2020, we must treat these animals according to their nature. We must consider their well-being and physical security in decisions on their guardianship and care. Certain steps are to …

Lechón a la vara

I'm writing about the Lechón a la vara display-- popular at Puerto Rico Christmas and Three King’s parties-- and how it celebrates the infliction of suffering and death of an animal. Most pigs that are bred for meat and display at Christmas parties are subjected to painful and unnatural existences. They are killed at only …

Is it cruel to keep Mundi the elephant at Puerto Rico’s zoo?

Mundi has spent 34 years as the only elephant at the Dr. Juan A Rivero Quintero Zoo, operated by a Puerto Rico’s Department of Natural and Environmental Resources. The zoo is not in compliance with federal regulations for facilities that exhibit animals. In 2017, the zoo lost its federal license to operate and remains closed …

Pet custody: If I play with Fido, will I stay with Fido?

Para Español For many pet-owners, or caretakers, their animal companion is one of the most important part of their lives. Around 67% of American households keep pets (up 20% from the late 80’s). Of these, 95% consider their pets family members. With more pets as family members, the number of disputes over pet custody after …

Cockfighting conflicts with animal protection in Puerto Rico

Para Español On December 20, 2018, the federal government amended the Animal Welfare Act to ban cockfighting in Puerto Rico and the entire United States. Cockfighting enthusiasts, and Puerto Rico's government, responded by challenging the ban in federal court. Puerto Rico legislature also enacted a law to further regulate the sport in spite of the …

What is the big deal with fireworks?

Fireworks, sparks, and loud "booms,” are part of holiday celebrations and festivities in Puerto Rico and many places all over the world. A few places have prohibited consumer use of fireworks or pyrotechnics without a permit, and others have restricted use to certain times of the year. Pyrotechnics are legal in Puerto Rico, but the …